Greenbridge Underpass - second side
A mural depicting the history of Stratton in the form of a timeline 

After finishing my first Greenbridge mural back in the summer, it was time to turn my attention to the other side of the underpass.

The actual square footage on the second wall is slightly less, but this mural had way more focal images and tiny details than the first one, was all painted in my spare time around other jobs, so it was a bit off and on. - so this one took months where the first one was done in a couple of weeks.  I finally laid down the final brush stroke in mid December '23 - woohoo! 

The first mural was my own concept - whereas this second side was a specific commission from the parish council - they asked for a timeline of the history of Stratton (the part of Swindon that I live in, which used to be a separate village in its own right until it was swallowed up into the wider town as Swindon expanded)

They gave me a list of historical events/people/buildings/local companies to include, and I added a couple of my own into the design aswell.

Just like the opposite wall, this one wasn't the easiest to photograph in its entirety, as it is so long, plus the bright lights don't help - the walkthrough video below these pics gives a better overview:

If you would like to learn more about any of the individual elements featured on the mural, I have set up a key here (or click on the picture)

Here is a short (30 seconds) walk through video (click on the picture to view in a separate tab):

A few before and after photos:

And here are some close ups of the various elements of the mural.  As people go past this one exclusively on foot (or bicycle), I've made a particular effort to include plenty of detail to look at on the way through the tunnel.  To entertain the youngsters and oldsters alike.

(A reminder to click here for the key if you want an explanation of any of the images)

Phew, that was a LOT :)

Last couple of photos now, me for scale, as is traditional: